Saturday, October 15, 2011

15 days later and still no awakened Zelda...

Well, I still haven't beaten Zelda II. I am on the final castle/dungeon/temple, but it is proving to be near impossible. I could sit around and try to kill Octoroks for 20 years but I don't have the patience to do that.
What I did do though was pick up the first Legend of Zelda. Now I haven't given up on Zelda II, but I need a break from that montonous game over crap and seeing Ganon laugh in my face.

I have been really enjoying Zelda since I started playing it again. I will admit, I am using a walkthrough, but only because I want to get every heart piece, item, rupee hideout, etc.
I have beaten the game before without a guide, so it's not like I'm cheating on my first play through.

One thing I have to say about both of these games is that they are both still tough for me to this day. Now I know some people out there are saying "well you must be a bum because I can play both of those games the whole way through with my eyes closed"
This is what I say...."Good for you."

I've got other things to do besides play a video game every day for 20 years just to have it memorized.

All in all, I would like to say one things.

They just don't make 'em like they used to. But I will also say this, I absolutely loved Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, etc. There's just something about those old classics that just presents a challenge every time you play.

Your thoughts?