If you don't own a 3DS yet, it's about time to shell out some money to get one.
Tomorrow, November 13th, Super Mario Land 3DS is getting released here in the good ol USA.
Yes, this is the NA boxart. Just from the boxart, you can tell this is going to be a game that features at least one blast from the past. The long sought after Tanooki Suit. Yes, it is true. Mario dons the Tanooki Suit for the first time since Super Mario Bros. 3 on the NES. Talk about a hiatus.
Personally, I dunno if I can wait for Christmas for this bad boy. I want to get my hands on it as soon as possible so I can preview it, play it, and review on my YouTube Channel. (TGameNTech)
Below are a couple more screen shots of the game:

Talk about glorious!!
As you can see, this game looks amazing on the 3DS. In some of the stills, it looks a little grainy, but while in motion, this game is just beautiful. It's really amazing to see how a game like this (looks and gameplay) can be played on a hand held system. Makes me thing back to the days of the Gameboy Color and just to think of how far it has come....wow.
There are some power ups that I didn't mention, because I don't want to spoil anything major. But I would definitely suggest buying this game. If you don't own a 3DS and are on the fence about getting one, now is the time to purchase. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D is out there, which was amazing. Mario Kart 7 is coming to the 3DS soon, as well as many other great games.
Here is a new trailer of the game that is being featured at a launch event in NYC.
Let me know below if you are going to pick it up!
Thanks for reading!
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