Wednesday, June 20, 2012

We have moved!

This blog has moved over under the TGameNTech domain site.

The new website link is

It is set up through WordPress so hopefully it will be a lot easier to interact and what not.

Hope to see you all there!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dusty Consoles

Confession: My Wii hasn't been turned on since November.
I know you are upset Mario. It's not you, it's Wii.

After I played Skyward Sword, I kind of lost interest in gaming on the Wii in general. There just wasn't any content that really convinced me to start it up.
I did want to try out some games, but I never got around to buying them. As a result, the poor Wii hasn't been plugged in to a TV since November (still isn't).

Interestingly enough, I have been playing my 3DS every now and then since then. I just feel like I have more time to sit down and play a quick session of Mario Kart or Pokemon (even though they end up being rather long sessions...haha).

So what will it take for me to turn my Wii back on? Well, as sad as it might be to say, I think it might just stay off for the most part. Really, the only reason I might turn it back on is to play Pikmin 2 before the launch of the Wii U and Pikmin 3.

The Wii is at the end of it's life cycle and the lack of me playing it is evidence. There are still great games that can be replayed, but I think I am just ready to move on. Nintendo planned the launch of the Wii U at just the right time.

The Wii is's time for the Wii U to come in and tear it up.

If you own a Wii, how often do you play it? Do you think the Wii U is coming at just the right time?
If you own a different console, are you still satisfied with it? Or are you ready for the next generation?

Please comment below, I would love to hear what you all think!
-Tyler Miller

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 ©2012, Tyler Miller

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Next Generation Consoles

I figured I would talk about this, since the Wii U is coming out and some people were expecting other consoles at E3. I thought maybe Microsoft would tease a new console and I figured that Sony wouldn't announce one, but let's take a look at what the next gen consoles, for each company, may look like.

Okay, okay, we know the PS4 isn't going to look like this, 
but I think it's the best mock up I've seen so far.

Well, let's start with what we know. I'm not going to go in to too much detail, just an overview of what can be expected.

Wii U
This console is confirmed for a release date this holiday season and it is a welcome upgrade from the Wii. 
-The Wii U is bringing HD graphics (with HD TV's now becoming standard in a lot of homes) and a faster processor.
-Detailed specs haven't been released yet, but it's supposedly more powerful than all current generation consoles
-A new controller with a built in screen is going to offer a lot of new possibilities in game and out of game.
-Wii U Pro Controller has also been released for a more dedicated audience.
-Current Wii Games and Wii Remotes work with the system. 
-Two Wii Gamepad Controllers can be used with a system.
-A bunch of launch titles and third party support (finally)
-Flash Storage (expandable)
-Some people predicting a $200-250 price point.
That's about everything. I may be missing a couple things but this is just a brief list. I'm definitely looking forward to this console.

Xbox 720 (speculated name)
I expected maybe just a tease of this at E3, but it looks like we will have to play the waiting game.
-I expect this console to bring a much faster processor to render graphics a lot better.
-Better Kinect integration.
-Better HD Graphics? (I'm not sure how you get much better than what is out there now, but I'm sure it can be done)
-Maybe 3D game/movie support
-Motion Control features in controllers
-Huge Harddrive (already are pretty big, but I guess bigger. Maybe flash storage)
Release: Late 2013 or Early 2014
Not really sure what else. I'm not an expert but I'm just guessing what might happen.

This thing probably won't be coming out for another few years. The PS3 is a workhorse and has a lot of life left in it.
-Thinner design. I know there is the PS3 slim, but the original PS3 was a huge brick.
-Rumble back in the controllers...(what were they thinking taking it out??)
-Better software and games, MORE games (it just seems that there aren't many games, but I could just be misinformed)
-A more reasonable price point (PS3 was pretty expensive at launch)
-More support of Sony Move (how many games use it?)
-More power than it really needs
-Better (and not always getting hacked) online
Release: Late 2014 or Early 2015
It's hard to say what else is coming with the PS4, the PS3 is a really powerful system, maybe a little too powerful for it's time, but I think it will last awhile before we get an update.

So what do you guys think is coming in the next consoles? Feel free to comment below! I'd love to hear what you guys think!

© 2012, Tyler Miller

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Stealing Content...?

Okay, so if you have watched anything from  Nintendo in the past week or so you have heard about their new Wii U Gamepad Pro Controller (or whatever it's called). Basically, it looks like this.
And a lot of people are upset and saying it looks like this.
Are there similarities? Yes. Did they steal anything? No.
I can't stand when people sit here and say that Nintendo "stole" the controller design. They didn't steal anything. If you want to play that game I can turn it right around and say that the Xbox Controller's stole the X, B, A, and Y buttons from the SNES.

I could also bring up the fact that Sony Move (the magic sony wand things) look and function exactly like Wii Remote Plus'.

So anyone who says Nintendo is stealing can just sit down and be quiet. If anything other companies have been stealing from them (according to your logic).

I'm a harddcore Nintendo fan but you don't see me complaning that basically every system out there now has been either inspired or made with previous Nintendo products in mind. It's just the way it is.

No software on the other hand...that's for a different post...coughSonyBasicallyCopyingSuperSmashBrotherscough. (I'm not saying it's stealing either, I'm just saying it's another post)


© 2012, Tyler Miller

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Thoughts on Nintendo's E3 Presentation

I could probably sum it up in one word. "Decent" But I think I will go into further detail.

I will first start off by saying that I am an avid Nintendo fan. I love everything Nintendo, games, consoles, merchandise, etc, etc.

That being said, I don't believe that they are perfect and triumph over other companies in all aspects of the gaming world.

With that all out of the way, let me explain to why I think their presentation was decent.

They started off strong. We have been waiting for Pikmin 3 for way too long and I was extremely glad to hear that it is coming to the Wii U. I am guessing it will be a launch title (they may have said it, I'm not sure). The game looks absolutely beautiful and I am sure it will not displease. The only thing that would ruin it for me would be if the game had a timer (like the original one). 30 days isn't enough time to complete the game in a way I would like to do so. I like to diddle around and having a time limit really frustrated me. Overall, Pikmin 3, an awesome announcement.

Next came New Super Mario Brothers U. This game looks great as well. It builds off the success of it's predecessor New Super Mario Brothers Wii. Can't say much about the game except that it looks great and I can't wait to play it. It will definitely be a solid Mario platformer.

After that, there was a lot of talk about third party software. Now, I know Nintendo hasn't gotten much third party support in the recent past with the Wii, but I am glad they are getting some now with the Wii U. We see a lot of sweet games being demoed.

While third party titles are nice and all, I feel first party seemed to fall off the planet. After NSMBU I don't recall any other first party titles being announced. (Nintendoland doesn't count. In my opinion it's just a gimmick but I will have to wait and see for myself). I was expecting more. Maybe a Zelda preview or maybe just a hint at the next Super Smash Brothers? I guess not...

I was really happy with the pre-show by Iwata. Hearing more about the controller is awesome. I really hope it lives up to the all hype that is present.

Like I said, I think the presentation was decent. A lot of solid titles were announced for both the Wii U and the 3DS, but I was just hoping for some more first party software.

What did you think of Nintendo's E3? Do you think they should have brought more to the table or do you think they did a great job? Comment below, I would love to hear your thoughts!


© 2012, Tyler Miller

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Still Alive!

No, this blog is not dead. It's alive...barely haha.

I have been reading Platform by Michael Hyatt and he really emphasizs blogging and the potential it has.

I really hope to get this up and running and be posting at least 2 times (3 would be preferred) a week about gaming.

I hope you all continue to visit the blog and stay tuned for future posts!