And a lot of people are upset and saying it looks like this.
Are there similarities? Yes. Did they steal anything? No.
I can't stand when people sit here and say that Nintendo "stole" the controller design. They didn't steal anything. If you want to play that game I can turn it right around and say that the Xbox Controller's stole the X, B, A, and Y buttons from the SNES.
I could also bring up the fact that Sony Move (the magic sony wand things) look and function exactly like Wii Remote Plus'.
So anyone who says Nintendo is stealing can just sit down and be quiet. If anything other companies have been stealing from them (according to your logic).
I'm a harddcore Nintendo fan but you don't see me complaning that basically every system out there now has been either inspired or made with previous Nintendo products in mind. It's just the way it is.
No software on the other hand...that's for a different post...coughSonyBasicallyCopyingSuperSmashBrotherscough. (I'm not saying it's stealing either, I'm just saying it's another post)
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